402 Delaware Avenue Palmerton, Pennsylvania 18071 * Phone 610-826-3424
* Email
Library Hours:
Sun: Closed; Mon, Tues, Wed: 10am - 7pm; Thurs, Fri: 10am - 5pm ; Sat: 9am - 4pm


                                                                 eAUDIOBOOKS AND eBOOKS

The Palmerton Area Library is offering a new service that is available to all of its patrons who have access to the Internet. Available now, are downloadable Audiobooks and eBooks. Please see the information below, as to how to access this new service and how to check-out and download audiobooks and eBooks.

What are Downloadable Audiobooks?

Downloadable Audiobooks from Overdrive are digital versions of audiobooks that are available through the Internet. Audiobooks can be played on any desktop or portable device supporting Windows Media Player version 9.0 and above. You can also transfer your favorite titles to a wide range of portable devices, including portable music players, portable media centers, Pocket PCs, and even select smartphone devices.

What are eBOOK?

An electronic book  is a book-length publication in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, and produced on, published through, and readable on computers or other electronic devices.  Sometimes the equivalent of a conventional printed book, eBOOKS can also be born digital. However, eBOOKS can and do exist without any printed equivalent. They are usually read on dedicated eBOOK readers. Personal computers and some mobile phones can also be used to read eBOOKS.

How do I access the eContent from Overdrive?

Return to our home page and click the logo shown above to go to the Carbon Lehigh Downloadable Library website.  Click the participating librarys link and pick the Palmerton Area Library. Enter your fourteen digit library card number with no spaces. Enter your password which should be 1234 unless you have changed it.  Follow the instructions under the Help section to use this new feature.

You can also watch a video about your device.  Click on the following link and then click on the type of device you have.

                    Overdrive Help for All Devices

Some questions you might have about Overdrive

    1.    What is Overdrive?   Global distributer of eBooks, audio books and music .
        2.  What device will it work with?  PC, Mac, Android, iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Windows Phone 7, Kindle,
            NOOK, Kobo ereader, blackberry 
       3.    What is in it?  Over 400 titles to start, changing constantly as we add new titles to it.

4 .               4.    Why are there only 1,000?  That includes the newest bestsellers.  There are 30,000 other titles of classics.
                  We add new bestsellers as they are released.

5.                                5.     Are there overdue fines?  No.

6.                  6.  What happens when the books become due?  They are automatically returned and deleted off your device.

7.                  7.  Can I renew a book?  No.

8.                                  8.   Can I take out more than one eBook at a time?  Yes, the limit at this time is 8.

9.                   9. Who can use it?  Anyone with a valid Lehigh Carbon Library Cooperative card and has a home library of Palmerton Area.

10.                           10.  Can I use it from home?  Yes.

11.                           11.  Can I download eBooks in the library?  It depends on your device. 

12.                  12.  Will there be lessons?  At this time, we will be offering individual lessons on request.

13.                  13.  Can I put holds on books?  Yes.

14.                  14.  How do I return a book?  The method depends on the type of device you have.

A.   If you have a mobile device like an iPad, iPhone, or blackberry, you can use the same Overdrive Media Console you used to read the books.

-Swipe across the eBook you want to delete.  A Delete button is displayed next to the title.

-Tap Delete to display the return options.

-Tap Return and Delete.  The eBook is returned and deleted.

      B.  If you have a NOOK, or read the book on a PC or Mac, open Adobe Digital Editions and

-Select the Library View icon (in the upper left corner) to    display your titles.

-Under the Bookshelves heading, select Borrowed.

-Click the eBook you want to return.

-Click the Item Options arrow (in the upper left corner of the select eBook).

-Select Return Borrowed Item.

-Click Return to verify that you want to return the eBook.

    C.  If you have a Kindle, go into your Amazon account on the web.

          -Go to Manage your Kindle to get a list of the titles you

          have checked out.

-On the Actions pull-down to the right of each title, select Return this book.









The Palmerton Area Library Association is supported by the Palmerton Area School District and by the following municipalities:  Palmerton Borough, Bowmanstown Borough, Lower Towamensing Township and Towamensing Township.